Teacher resigns who offered to pay someone with coronavirus to cough on Trump

She should have been fired but the Woonsocket teacher was allowed to resign. Big win for the students.

Rhode Island Education Commissioner Angelica Infante Green responded to a tweet sent out by a Woonsocket teacher who “offered to pay someone with COVID-19 to cough on President Trump” by calling it “unprofessional and not acceptable.” The Education Commissioner was responding to a story on DePetro.com (the website of the John DePetro Show)  https://depetro.wpengine.com/2020/03/woonsocket-teacher-offers-to-pay-someone-with-coronavirus-to-cough-on-trump/.  Amy Bednarz, a 6th-grade teacher at Villa Nova Middle school in  Woonsocket,  used an alias on Twitter of  Proud Teacher and tweeted out Sunday  ” Somebody with COVID 19, I will pay you to cough on #Trump.”  Commissioner InFante Green reacted to the story on www.depetro.com by tweeting, “I was saddened & disappointed to see this tweet-it is unprofessional and sends the wrong message during a time when our whole education community is setting a national example. This is not acceptable and certainly not representative of the overwhelming majority of RI teachers.”