Statement from Brother Gary of BLM on Barrington racist incident

Brother Gary Black Lives Matter Rhode Island

I am deeply troubled by the videos I watched on regarding the incident that took place in the town of Barrington. Although we find it horrifying, unfortunately, we are not surprised by the hateful words and actions on display in those disgraceful videos. Our thoughts, prayers, and support go out to the family that was subjected to this vile form of violence and racism. We are deeply troubled by the lack of judgment and action taken by the Attorney General’s office. The town was correct to seek a hate crime opinion by the office of Attorney General but we are furious and shocked with the lack of action. While we understand a privileged, wealthy community like Barrington can be home to many campaign donors, a crime is a crime. This was clearly a hate crime and the individual should (and will) be held accountable. In the coming days we will reach out to both the Town of Barrington and the Attorney Generals office to ensure our presence is felt and justice is done. In the meantime, we encourage everyone to visit to show support and learn more about our mission.
Brother Gary 8/7/20